Successful people don’t work harder
There’s a huge misconception about success. Becoming successful is less about how much someone works and more about how they set things up. Indeed, it has been said that a 40 hour workweek is a “king’s keep,” — more than enough time to create an abundant living. It’s how you spend those 40 hours that determines where you end up.

I was recently talking with a friend who has successfully started and run multiple companies. He told me he doesn’t work harder than someone working for an hourly rate. More often than not, he’s actually working less hard.

The difference is, the work my friend does is not an exchange of time for money. He’s not actually working directly for money. Rather, he’s spending his 8 hour workday creating value that yields dividends long into the future.

I asked him, “How many good hours of work do you have a day? Like, to do deep and creative work?” He said, “Probably 3–4 hours. Then I’m fried. After that, I can do meetings, logistical stuff, and email. However, during those 3–4 hours, my time is worth thousands of dollars per hour.”

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