Ah, the temptation. Just pull out your prime account and get Shaklee products delivered to you directly.

Here’s why NOT.

Shaklee products, when they come directly from the company, are 100% guaranteed. In 60+ years a fraction of 1% of products have ever been returned.

Where do Amazon products come from? You can’t be sure. You don’t know what the expiration dates are, on these premium products. You don’t know how they have been shipped or stored — as in have heat or other factors impacted the quality of what you’re getting. These products are essentially after-market. LIke purchasing something from a flea market.

Another important consideration: when you purchase thru your legitimate and authorized Shaklee Distributor you get not just guaranteed products. But you get the personalized Customer Service that comes from talking to a real person, not an 800# or a chat line. With Amazon, you talk with no one.

And the last piece: Shaklee Distributors are in business to supply you, our customers, with superior service and elite products — and they’re in business to do so….Buy from Amazon, and you have no guarantees, and you’re bypassing a legitimate business person committed to give you superior service.


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