Looking to keep more money from what you’re already earning? Here’s a great place to look:  TAXES.

First do some ‘homework’ on how having a business can have a major impact on a family’s tax picture – particularly when one or both earners are Employees being paid W-2.  Roughly every $1000 of paycheck brings home about $600 cash in the pocket, because all of the taxes are paid first. Note:  And with the new tax laws, there seem to be fewer options of deductions available for Employees on a personal 1040 Return. All of the benefits are on the side of business owners.

Here’s how the system works:

1) Pay Taxes
2) Spend
3) Earn on what’s left over

1) Spend for the business
2) Earn
3) Pay taxes 

Which is your preference?
How about learning to think and act like a legitimate business owner? 

Here are some quick starts on learning some other options:

  • We started with the classic “Rich Dad-Poor Dad book followed by the book “Cash Flow Quadrants.” If you want to start in small bites, these are simple places to start. Read or Audiobook.Note: there are versions and even board games for kids, so this can be a family education program.
  • If you’d like a deeper overview, there is a quite complete webinar overview here.  It’s a big chunk of information – My husband Eddie says if this material is new to you, take it in pieces.  – but at the very least you’ll have a compelling overview that the benefits for are real.
  • Sandy Botkin’s updated book “Lower Your Taxes Big Time” is a gold mine — here In book form.
See also here if you’re considering a personal service business.  Know the difference! 
Ponder this quote from the opening chapter of the book “Lower your taxes Bigtime” — “Why you would be brain dead not to start a Home-Based Business….If you don’t have one, you are losing thousand$$ each year.”

Note: Partnering with the right business venture might just be the ideal solution. Ask us where to go to Take a Look at partnering with us.  


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